Building Hope and Connections for Orphans in Ukraine

Located in the mountains of western Ukraine, construction on the Kidsave Miracles Center is well underway. The Miracles Center is a versatile campus designed to offer war trauma therapy, connection events, and internships events for emancipated orphans and teens.

While still under construction, the Kidsave Miracles Center will encompass training, conference, office spaces, modular housing for children and prospective families, a wellness center, a fishery, a commercial kitchen, and sports and recreation areas.

Further funding is required to fully realize the Center’s vision. There are sponsorship and naming opportunities available throughout the campus.

A distinctive feature of the Kidsave Miracles Center is the opportunity to work in one of the center’s several social entrepreneurship projects. One of these is the Colyba Cultural Café, an on-campus eatery serving authentic Ukrainian cuisine. The cafe will employ young adults who grew up in foster care, orphanages, or institutions, providing them with valuable work experience and benefiting the local community. Additionally, all cafe revenue will support the Center’s ongoing social programs.

The Kidsave Miracles Center has truly been a labor of love. All work on the site has been done by local Ukrainians, including youth from the Corporate Mentoring Program Pathways to Success, providing jobs to many who have been without work because of the war. Our dedicated team and volunteers are working alongside the construction crews to ensure the Center becomes a nurturing and supportive environment for children and youth.

The vision for the Miracles Center came from Pavlo and Olena Shulha, the Ukrainian couple who are invaluable partners and true leaders for the Kidsave team.

Since the start of the war, Pavlo has led the volunteer group known as the Angels of Hope, which is responsible for helping evacuate over 31,000 people to safety and delivering more than 2,000 tons of humanitarian aid. Today, Pavlo splits his time between the Angels of Hope, overseeing the construction of the Center, and working to raise funds to support its completion.

Olena is the future Director of the Kidsave Miracles Center, and its existence is, in many ways, thanks to her. Even during the war, Olena worked tirelessly to find 150 orphaned children and new Ukrainian families. The land the Center sits on was gifted to Olena to further that work, and it was through her partnership with Kidsave the Kidsave Miracles Center became a possibility.

Read about Randi’s trip to Ukraine in September to visit the site.

Gallery – April 2024