Adyn – Age 14

Adyn is looking for a forever family.

Let’s meet 14-year-old Adyn, a bright, energetic young teen and budding tech expert! Adyn is looking for a forever family.

Adyn likes playing video games, but even more so, he loves tinkering with electronic things – like old broken radios or broken motorized toys – to see how they work. In addition, Adyn is discovering an increased interest in being outdoors and doing things like swimming, riding a bike, or playing soccer. Adyn will fully engage in things that interest him. Lately, one of those interests is an idea for when he’s older and has a driver’s license, of finding his future ‘dream vehicle’ – a Ford truck – and going on a cross-country expedition.

Adyn does have two older sisters who are being adopted, and he would like to find a family that is supportive of his maintaining a relationship with them.

Adyn is looking for a loving and supportive forever family who will help him grow as he continues to explore the world around him. If you want to have this fantastic boy as part of your family, let us know!

Learn More about the Weekend Miracles Program.