For Immediate Release

Los Angeles

Kidsave is pleased to announce the appointment of Spencer Gordon as its newest Associate Board member. Gordon, a Senior Director at IEQ Capital, brings a wealth of financial expertise and a deep commitment to child advocacy to Kidsave.

With an extensive background in providing investment advice to high-net-worth families, charitable entities, and institutional investors, Gordon’s experience is poised to significantly benefit Kidsave’s mission. His professional journey began at First Republic Bank as an Associate Director. He evolved as a founding team member of IEQ Capital, where he continues to contribute to the firm’s development and success. His role with the IEQ Investment Committee and participation in several internal committees showcase his comprehensive understanding of investment strategy and risk management.

“We are thrilled to welcome Spencer to our Associate Board,” said Randi Thompson, CEO and Co-Founder of Kidsave. “His deep-rooted support for Kidsave, combined with his professional experience and his dedication to helping children, will be invaluable as we continue to work towards providing brighter futures for children in need.”

Gordon’s connection to Kidsave goes beyond professional alignment; it is a relationship steeped in personal commitment and volunteerism. His active involvement with Kidsave over the years exemplifies his dedication to supporting youth and community development.

“Kidsave has always held a special place in my heart, given my involvement with the organization since I was young. I have seen first-hand the significant impact Kidsave has had on so many lives,” said Gordon. “It is rare to be able to drive such a lasting and positive change in a young person’s life in such a critical way. As a board associate, I aim to contribute my perspective and skill set to ensure Kidsave can continue to impact lives. Every child needs a family, and Kidsave is doing the hard work to make that dream a reality.”

Gordon, earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.

About Kidsave
Kidsave, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity, helps older children and teens living in U.S. residential facilities, foster homes, group homes, and orphanages overseas find forever families and lasting connections. Kidsave works with governments and communities worldwide to see that no orphan or child in foster care is forgotten and grows up in a family with love and hope for a successful future.