Summer Miracles Are Happening Everywhere!

Video by: Shusha Minasian

Photo credit: Peter Christiansen Valli

Can you believe it’s been 2 weeks already? Kidsave’s Summer Miracles program’s goal is underway, helping older Colombian kids with little chance of adoption in their homeland meet and find adoptive families here in the U.S.

Last weekend, Summer Miracles events were held across the country with various fun activities for the kids and potential families. There was a BBQ in New York, pizza making in D.C., and arts & crafts in Los Angeles. Families interested in adoption were able to meet the kids and get to know them in an easy-going and no-pressure way.

With 3 weeks of events yet to come, there’s still time to meet these awesome kids! Learn how you can attend and meet them by signing up here or learn more by visiting our Summer Miracles Kids gallery.

Los Angeles

In SoCal, kids and families met in Yorba Linda for a gorgeous day of fun in the sun. With Arts and Crafts underway, kids were able to enjoy pizza together and bond with their friends, swapping stories of their experiences in Los Angeles. The kids couldn’t wait to talk about all the fun they’re having with their host families, swapping stories of their host family’s pets, and visits to museums, water parks, and baseball stadiums. Four weeks of fun remain!

“We have 43 kids traveling, ages 10-15, all over the U.S.,” says Luisa Villar, Kidsave Summer Miracles Coordinator, “we have four different communities this year that will be having events. But families can host from anywhere in the states.”

After everyone had filled their tummies and caught up, we were ready for the activity of the day to build Vision Boards dedicated to their hopes, dreams, and loves. The kids grabbed glue sticks and photos and brought their vision boards to life. Some dream of visiting France, others dream of a cat, and – of course – they all dream of a family.

“Before Veronica came, we were sure to get some of her favorite things,” said Jennifer and Brandon, who are hosting Veronica during her stay. “Veronica loves black leopards, so we got her a stuffed one.” When asked what Veronica’s been enjoying about her visit, Jessica and Brandon say, “she’s loved spending time with our dog and playing with him.”

With Vision Boards done, it was time to share with the group. Each child got up in front of the room and described their collage. Some explanations made us laugh (“I like lions because they always do what they want,” said Veronica), and others made us a bit emotional (“I want a family to love and talk to,” said Jason).

“Our hope for these kids is that they find a home and a family to be a part of,” said Jennifer and Brandon. We also spoke with Jessica, Natalie’s host mom. “I just want the world for Natalie,” says Jessica, “she’s such a sweet kid; she brings so much into this world; I want that for her, too.”

D.C. Metro Area

Across the country, in D.C., our Summer Miracles kids had a fun afternoon making their own Pizza Creations! Choosing from a range of preferred toppings, the kids made personalized pizzas and swapped jokes back and forth. While the pizzas baked, they played board games and Connect Four while getting to know potential adoptive families.

“The pizza-making event here in D.C. was great. I love seeing the kids' faces when they get to know their host and visiting families. I also enjoy watching the kids interact with each other as they navigate through the 5 weeks here. Watching them and their huge smiles never gets old” – Duvan Allan, Kidsave Summer Miracles alum (and current Kidsave intern).